
Partnership to export agricultural produce

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdallah

Sudan’s Minister for Trade and Supply, Al Fatih Abdallah Yusuf, has concurred to the partnership of the Sudanese Company for Free Zones and Markets in partnership with the Gadarif state in export of agricultural produce and meats.
The meeting with the Acting Governor Gadarif state was attended by the Delegate member and chair of the Sudanese company Omar Sheikh Eddin.
The two sides are agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding between the Sudanese free zones and markets and the government of Gadarif
The governor has extended an invitation to the minister to take part in the inauguration session of the Gadarif crops markets. He told the meeting that the state has witnessed high yield in cops partly sorghum and sesame.
The meeting also dwelt on arrangement to establish an office for the ministry of trade in the state in preparation for the signing of an agreement on boarder trade between Gadarif and Ethiopia. The minister underlined the possibility for the companies affiliated to the ministry in the export operations with the view to increase the country’s gains in hard currencies.
The governor for his part has promised to extend every possible cooperation with the ministry with the view to facilitate and to remove any obstacles that could obstruct the active flow of activities and that the state is rich in agricultural product that could help increase the national coffer earning through sizeable amounts of exports proceeds.

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