
Sudanese products invade Egyptian market

Sudan Events – Nahed Oshi

Sudanese products such as flour, oils, tea, grinded okra “Waika”, coffee, kissra, bread, incense have witnessed a noticeable recovery during the recent period in the Egyptian markets after the war that broke out in April 15th this year, resulting in a devastating reality, especially for the commercial, productive and industrial sectors. The private sector has transferred its commercial activity to the safe states of Sudan and neighboring countries.
Shop owners point out to the great demand by Sudanese for these products, despite the recent rise in their prices due to the cessation of export to Egypt.
The price of 1kg of tea jumped to (400) pounds, one pound of sesame oil to (350) pounds, while 1kg of local Sudanese peanut butter “Dakwa” reached (100) pounds, the price of 1kg of powdered milk ranges from (240) pounds to (260) pounds and 1kg of lamb meat reached 300 pounds.

Sudanese restaurants spread in the cities of Cairo witnessed great demand, as the price of a plate of Boash (Sudanese popular dish) reached 50 pounds, the order of peanut butter salad (Dakwa) ranges between (15 to 25) pounds while the fried liver order ranges between (40 to 65) pounds.

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