
Blue Nile: Promoting Peaceful Coexistence


Sudan Events

Seeking to lure wide participation from women and youth from Qneis East in Blue Nile State, to implement an initiative to promote peaceful coexistence, the President of the Blue Nile Women Network for Peace and Development (facilitator of the session), Jawaher Ibrahim reviewed the concepts, types and importance of peace by focusing on peace building and spreading its culture on a large scale.
Jawaher emphasized the importance of peaceful coexistence, the gains and the expected roles of the various components of the society to promote peaceful coexistence and social stability.
He stressed the need to reject hate speech and the proper management of cultural diversity to be a source of strength and an impetus for social cohesion
Jawaher underlined that it was imperative to encourage activities and programs that contribute to development, stability, community cohesion, the ability to identify actual needs and fill gaps, as well as the dissemination of bright stories and models in societies that have benefited from the implementation of peace on the ground and the gains of peaceful coexistence.
Director of the Media Center for the Dissemination of a Culture of Peace, Waleed Ali Adam, said that the peace process requires concerted efforts, reconciliation, recovery, and building confidence among local communities, calling on youth and women to present targeted community initiatives that will create more contacts and community cohesion and orient youth energies to serve the peace and stability and improve services.
Jawaher welcomed all participants in the session and pledged to maintain social contacts and intensify awareness circles on the importance of peace, noting that initiative was a sincere call for everyone to join the process for achieving peaceful coexistence.
The session witnessed multiple interventions that confirmed the participants’ understanding of the topic of the session and their awareness of the challenges of the stage, which requires the consolidation of the values of tolerance, equality and cooperation among the different components of their communities.

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