
UN: End Violence Against Women

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed has called, on Wednesday for greater investment in preventing violence against women and girls, an issue that transcends all borders and cultures. Such investment is not just practical but transformative, she said in a video message to the official UN commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, held in New York on Wednesday.
“Investment in prevention is to invest in our collective well-being,” she said. “It means creating conditions where women and girls can thrive, unburdened by the fear of violence.”
Ms. Mohammed said violence against women is one of the most pervasive human rights violations, and a global public health problem with negative multiplier effects across economies, politics and societies.
Rates are alarmingly high, and further aggravated by conflicts, crises and emergencies.
Global backlash against gender equality is threatening to undo decades of hard-won gains, while women’s rights are facing more risks than ever before, including online

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