
Europe Wakes up at Genocide Knocks!! (2-2)

As I see
By: Adel El-Baz
At the beginning of the war, the Europeans were hoping for a quick victory for the rebels and their allies. In their deceptive statements, they praised the role of the RSF in combating migration to Europe, even though it was a government program, and the RSF were forces that were within the framework of the state. This scenario failed and fell. The rebellion despite the financial and military support provided for it by regional, international, and internal bodies and external political support, failed to take power.
The second reason… Western media revealed to the world the truth about the Janjaweed militias and their bloody nature, as they only live in pools of blood.  The Western press has deep knowledge of the horrors committed by the Janjaweed during their many wars in Darfur, a long time ago, but at first it chose to turn a blind eye to them, but now it cannot close its eyes to the genocide, and the pictures and videos fill the screens and newspapers. It is enough of shame for it to close one eye to the extermination of citizens of Gaza.  !!.
I counted more than ten reports in The Guardian, The Washington Post, and The New York Times in two weeks, all of which condemned the Janjaweed and exposed their atrocities, in addition to the CNN report, in which Nima El-Bagir, the channel’s distinguished journalist, unveiled  the thirst for killing and bloodshed that these criminal militias entail, which shocked opinion. In the European and American year, The Ecomonist magazine last week classified the RSF as (an organization specializing in genocide). Thus, voices began to be raised to prevent the continuation of the campaign of genocide against Africans, and from here the awakening of European politicians began, and they are now trembling for fear of being associated with supporting an organization specialized in genocide.!  !.
A third reason is the condemnation statements issued by United Nations organizations inside Sudan, all of which condemn the crimes of the Janjaweed. These organizations realized the truth after their properties were looted and burned and they even killed UN staffers. The day before yesterday, the United Nations announced that its headquarters in El Daein was attacked and looted.
The fourth reason that prompted European countries to change their position is their certainty that the rebel militias, no matter how much they believed that they have achieved atemporary victories, are unable to control the country. The towns they have now controlled are inhabited in ruins and have nothing but death, fear and terror, and most of them have been abandoned by their people, if they have not been killed or exterminated.  Look similar to  what happened in El Geneina and the Erdemta area in Darfur
When Westerners realized the nature of the Janjaweed, they knew that a real and constant danger awaited the whole world, not Sudan, if the Janjaweed took power. Weber, the European Union envoy to the Horn of Africa, said in her comments about the importance of Sudan: “For the European Union, Sudan is a pivotal country, linking the coast and the Red Sea, and between Libya and the Horn of Africa.”  Maritime security in the Red Sea is essential for European trade. 13% of global trade passes through the Red Sea.
The change that has recently occurred in the African arena, with some important countries changing their positions on the ongoing war and stopping supporting the rebellion politically, is another reason for amending the European position. After President Al-Burhan’s invitation during this month to both Kenya and Ethiopia, which had been refusing to recognize his presidency, and claiming leadership vacuum in Sudan, as Abiye Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, expressed, there has been a shift in the African position, and arrangements are now being made to call the regional IGAD organization to a meet to consult on the situation in Sudan again. The change in the African position is one of the factors that influences and will affect the European position.
There is a very important variable, which is that international and human rights organizations in particular have begun to issue daily statements condemning the genocide carried out by the Janjaweed against African elements in Darfur (the Massalit  for example)..
European politicians are afraid of their support, association, or parties being linked to any organization that could be subjected to such accusations, even if it is in the media.  The mission of the fact-finding committee that was recently established by the Human Rights Council in Geneva will be extremely important, and there is no room for falsifying the facts this time, regardless of the intentions and conspiracy, as the media has left no room for falsification, particularly all violations and crimes have been observed, documented, and recorded by the criminals themselves.
These are the factors that made Europe reconsider its position on the war in Sudan after it realized the bloody, barbaric nature of the rebellion and listened to the rising international public opinion against the practices of the Janjaweed, which was led by the press there it denuding of the crimes of murder, rape and looting to which the rebels are addicted, and finally the selling of kidnapped women in the new slave markets that they opened in the cities they controlled.
A last word I would like to whisper in the ear of the Sudanese diplomacy, which has achieved remarkable successes in the recent period, namely that the upcoming meeting, December 11, of the bloc’s Foreign Council in Brussels will be decisive in shaping the European vision towards the war in Sudan, and therefore I call for the launching of a conscious and planned diplomatic campaign in the European Union countries through media and diplomatic pressure to shape  the European position in favor of the Government of Sudan clearly, take the same step before the IGAD meeting in Djibouti next month.

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