
Tekala of Libya Arrives in Russia

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

Mohammed Tekala, chairman of Libya’s High Council of State, has arrived in Russia to discuss ways to resolve the situation in the country, the Libya al-Ahrar TV channel reported.
According to the broadcaster, Tekala and the council’s First Deputy Chairman Massoud Abid arrived in Russia at an invitation from the State Duma. Council sources said that the officials were likely to discuss ways to resolve the Libyan crisis through holding general elections.
The High Council of State is considered to be a parliamentary body in the country’s west. The House of Representatives is based in eastern Libya; Aguila Saleh serves as its speaker.
There are currently two governments in Libya: The Government of National Accord headquartered in Tripoli and a cabinet based in the country’s east, which was formed by parliament. A transition period aimed at electing a president and parliament, which had been established by the United Nations based on the Geneva Agreement, ended on June 22, 2022. However, elections set for December 2021, were cancelled due to the lack of a constitutional framework

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