
Controls on Importing Flour

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Minister of Trade and Supply, Al-Fatih Abdullah Yousif, issued Decision No. (8), which stipulates setting controls for the import of flour goods through land crossings.
The decision indicated that it was inevitable to apply controls for importing flour goods at land crossings, similar to maritime points, and that the import should be done by submitting the initial purchase invoice and have it approved by the Ministry of Trade and supply before commencing importing.
He added that import operations should be carried out in accordance with banking procedures and submitting Form (IM). The decision also referred to presenting exporters and importers register and obtaining the approval of the health and agricultural authorities as well as the approval of the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO). The decision also called on the concerned authorities to put the decision into immediate effect.
On a related level, the Minister issued Decision No. (7) for the year 2023 based on the backdrop of the entry of the flour commodity in large quantities and its accumulation at land crossings. The decision required the suspension of settlements by Sudanese customs on the flour commodity in an effort to control its import and to adhere to all procedures followed in import operations in accordance with the circulars of the Central Bank of Sudan for the year 2023.

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