EU: ICC to investigate war crimes

News report – Talal Mudathir
The European Union has condemned the significant escalation in violence in Darfur and throughout Sudan, as well as violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, holding the warring parties responsible for protecting civilians, including women and girls.
A new feeling of dread
The increasing reports of violence prompted the Union, in its statement Monday, to once again say that it is horrified by these numerous reports of sexual and gender-based violence, including kidnappings and detention in slavery-like conditions, as well as serious violations and abuses of human rights in Sudan, including the rights of children. In addition to his deep concern over reports of mass violence against civilians and ethnic cleansing, he extended his call to all actors to stop attacks on civilian infrastructure, including schools, health care facilities, humanitarian warehouses and other objects used in relief operations, noting the need to ensure safe and unrestricted access to humanitarian aid. In a timely manner, to all parts of Sudan, especially in conflict areas, and by all parties.
The accountability weapon is seized
The statement also made references to the utmost importance of holding all perpetrators of crimes accountable, stressing that it will spare no effort with international partners in monitoring and documenting human rights violations and abuses, and that it fully supports the work of the United Nations through the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, stressing once again the utmost importance of the mandate of the independent expert, appointed to Sudan in addition to the United Nations Human Rights Mission, with the formation of an independent international fact-finding mission affiliated with the Human Rights Council regarding human rights violations in Sudan during the war.
A call for Sudan to change its stance
Sudan’s recent request to end the work of the UNTAMS mission prompted the European Union in Banana to express its regret for Sudan’s request to end the mission’s mandate and called on Sudan to continue its cooperation with the United Nations while expressing its welcome to the appointment of Ramadan Lamamra as a personal envoy to Sudan by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The statement also cited the European Union as expressing its support for the efforts of the ICC Prosecutor to investigate alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur in relation to the current hostilities.
In addition, the European Union stressed the importance of harmonizing various mediation efforts and avoiding duplication or competition in initiatives, expressing its readiness to continue its diplomatic engagement aimed at supporting and facilitating dialogue with the United Nations, the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to help find peaceful solutions that respect the aspirations of the Sudanese people. At the same time, it praised the efforts made by the African Union, IGAD, neighboring countries, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America in order to put an end to the fighting, warning that any external support is provided to one of the parties.
The warring parties will not contribute to resolving the conflict and stabilizing the region, calling on these parties, which he called the “third”, to refrain from fueling the Sudanese conflict directly or indirectly.
The European Union sent a masked warning when it indicated in the statement that its new system had adopted “restrictive measures” that were included in the amendments to prevent individuals and entities from engaging in activities that threaten peace, security or stability in Sudan, and from obstructing the rapid resumption of the democratic political transition in the country, including in particular Identification The possibility of identifying those involved in planning, directing or committing acts in Sudan that constitute serious human rights violations, abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as well as those who obstruct the delivery or access of humanitarian assistance, including those who launch attacks on health and humanitarian relief workers.
The humanitarian situation… new support
The deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan and in neighboring countries was also present in the statement, as he said, “With nearly 25 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and more than seven million internally displaced people, the European Union is working to expand the scope of its response to emergencies and as a long-term partner to Sudan.” The European Union remains in solidarity with the Sudanese people and the countries of the region, pledging and its member states to contribute to the humanitarian response by providing an amount of 500 million euros, which is equivalent to one third of the total international response, recalling the Union’s support also for two Humanitarian Air Bridge (HAB) operations to Chad and Sudan, with a total of thirteen flights. To deliver 600 tons of humanitarian goods since the beginning of the conflict, however, insecurity and bureaucratic and administrative obstacles continue to severely hamper the humanitarian response.
Support and solidarity
The European Union concluded its statement issued today, Monday, by affirming its firm support and solidarity with the people of Sudan, saluting in particular the work of the Sudanese civil forces and their ongoing initiatives internally and externally, pledging its support for these basic efforts and the ongoing efforts made by civilians to find a way to end the war.