FIFA: Al-Merreikh to Pay Ugandan team

Khartoum – Sudan Events
FIFA gave the Sudanese club Al-Merreikh forty-five days to settle a sum of $US 25,000 to the Ugandan Express Club as remainder of the transfer deal for player Eric Kambali.
Al-Merreikh Media Center said the club received a letter from FIFA instructing it to pay $US 20,000 to Express in addition to $US 5,000 in litigation fees, and affirmed Ugandan club’s right to have the amount which was due since on August 29th, 2022.
The Express complained to FIFA regarding the Sudanese club Al-Merreikh’s delay in paying $US 20,000 the remainder of the transfer deal for its player Kambali, worth $US 45,000 dollars, of which it received only $ US 25,000.