
Turkish Efforts to Rebuild Sudan


Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Sudanese Minister of Trade and Supply, Al-Fatih Abdullah Yusuf, announced arrangements led by the Sudanese embassy in Ankara to hold a trade and investment forum between the two countries in Istanbul during the next few months. He said, during his meeting with the Turkish ambassador to Sudan, Gobanoglu, that he will lead a large delegation of businessmen and pillars of the Sudanese economy to this forum, stressing his endeavor to make the forum a success.
For his part, the Turkish ambassador revealed their efforts to activate the joint ministerial committee, whose meetings will be held in Turkey during the coming period in addition to the forum, stressing that this constitutes a major economic demonstration that includes farmers, merchants, investors and industrialists in both countries, indicating their efforts and serious demands for the reconstruction and building of Sudan again and the implementation of many Among the projects, especially airports, ports, roads, bridges, electricity and industry, he called in this regard on the Sudanese side to present ambitious projects for its future to support and increase the volume of international trade for Sudan for the well-being and progress of its friendly people, noting that it will be in full contact and coordination with the ministry and all relevant parties to make it a success. the program.

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