Between Agriculture, Writing, and Presenting Programs

Interview: Sudan Events – Magda Hassan
Director Abu Bakr Al-Sheikh The Return of Adam tells the story of the displacement and migration of the Sudanese Director Abu Bakr Al-Sheikh who is one of those concerned with issues of creativity, and the image of the homeland is always present in everything he creates.
Also one of the directors whose activity does not stop in the most difficult conditions is the author of the most famous series of Sudanese stories, and his stories still survive at peace time and at war time. His eye monitors and his ear captures. Director Abu Bakr Al-Sheikh is a displaced, refugee, and a creative innovator anywhere.
I joined the Innovators in Cairo
Interrupting him
Cairo was my last stop since the outbreak of war. An experience that taught us a lot. We moved to the north. I started working in agriculture.
What did you cultivate?
I cultivated maize. From there, I headed to Gezira and then to Cairo, where I worked as a program presenter
Tell us about the program?
(Far Horizons) is a cultural talk show for Al-Zarqa Channel, which broadcasts from Cairo, during which I hosted many artists.
What’s new on it?
Basically, it is a program to host creative people and some questions related to the situation that the country has reached now and the role of the creative persons at war time and at peace time and after the war is over and in improving social fabric and the upcoming challenges. The program hosted Ambassador Ali Mahdi, Dr. Anas Al-Aqib, the singer Omar Ehsas, and the journalist Dalia Elias, this is my project now.
Doesn’t it deserve creative documentation?
Of course, it is high time, I turned to the writing. I’m writing series called (Return of Adam), a 30-episode series about the forced migration that happened to displaced Sudanese inside and refugees outside Sudan, and the problems they faced after the displacement and exploitation that took place in some cities and countries, and the general situation that Sudanese people have undergone.
On the directing level, what is new?
On the directing level, there is nothing yet due to the conditions of my presence in Egypt. I think only after return to Khartoum. Despite this, we have an attempt to conduct an experiment with the actors who are here, but so far we have not reached a final agreement on it.
What are your last projects before the war?
The series “Harem City” for the Sudanese 24 channel, the “Factory Setting” series for the Sudanese Drama Channel (YouTube), and the “Earn and Win with Fakhri” program for the Blue Nile Channel.