
Minawi meets senior Turkish official


Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Governor of Darfur region, Minni Arko Minawi, on Saturday met in Ankara, with the Turkish Assistant Foreign Minister, Ahmed Yildiz, in the presence of Ambassador Nader Youssef Al-Tayeb, the Sudanese Ambassador to Turkey.
The Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister welcomed the delegation to Turkey, and promised to facilitate the delegation’s mission in order to make the visit a success and achieves its goals.

The Governor has meanwhile thanked the Turkish Assistant Foreign Minister for the good reception and hospitality and commended Turkey’s interest in Sudanese issues and the crisis that the Darfur region is going through, especially after the April 15 war, when the number of displaced persons in the cities of the region doubled, especially Fasher. He also pointed to the large numbers of refugees who crossed to Chad.
The Governor also thanked the Turkish government for its great efforts in Darfur region where it helped in building schools and hospitals, providing relief materials, taking care of the legacy of Sultan Ali Dinar, and restoring his palace.

Minni Arko Minawi praised the positive roles played by Turkey in the war between Russia and Ukraine, calling on the Turkish government to increase relief and humanitarian aid to the Darfur region in view of the current war and to help in ending it. He said that “we had committed ourselves to neutrality in the war now taking place in Sudan, but a very short time ago we decided to get out of this situation.”
The governor Darfur region had left for Turkey, accompanied by a number of members of his government, and upon their arrival, the delegation entered into a number of meetings with Turkish officials and institutions.

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