
Aqar: Roadmap to End War in Sudan

Sudan Event – Follow-ups

The Vice-President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Malik Agar Air, announced the adoption of a road map to end the war, rebuild the Sudan state based on the rule of law, extend the prestige of the state, and draft the country’s constitution in preparation for the upcoming elections.
Agar said during his address before the works of the coordination forum for regional governors and state governors in Gadarif State on Tuesday “The current war is a war of resources, those who stand behind it have only supported the RSF to spearhead the outbreak of the war which it used to break into private properties and occupy homes, but not to serve achieving democracy, as they claim.”
Agar stressed the need to open a new page in order to establish a national army that accommodates the diversity and to avoid fragmentation of the State of Sudan.

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