
Gadarif: High Rates of Cholera Infection

Sudan Event – Follow-ups

Sudanese health authorities reported the increase of cholera in different areas, 2,653 suspected cases reported from November 9 to December.
Gadarif State (1,808 cases), followed by Gezira State (1,345 cases), Red Sea (684 cases), Khartoum (463 cases).
The total number of suspected cases 5,178 since September 25. White Nile (399 cases), South Kordufan (346 cases), Sinnar (69 cases), Kasala (63 cases), Blue Nile (one case).
Surveillance continues in affected and high-risk areas to identify and address risk factors. Local and international health authorities are coordinating efforts to scale up the response to the outbreak, including improving access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and supporting case detection and treatment.

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