
Spokesman: Army Commits No War Crimes

Sudan events – follow up

The official spokesperson of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Brigadier General Nabeel Abdalla has pointed out in press statement on Friday that SAF is a national professional army with a firm military doctrine.
He stressed that the Sudanese army respects international human law and could never commit any war crime. He rejected any comparison between the army and the terrorist militias which also commit ethnic cleanings, to be added to its heinous record in war crimes
It is to be noted that the United States issued a statement on Wednesday accusing the two sides to the war in the Sudan of committing war crimes.
The US Administration said the Rapid Support Forces and its allied militias are responsible for committing ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity
The US Secretary of the State Anthony Blinken has called on the two sides to the conflict toe immediately cease this war and commit to respecting the international humane laws and the international human rights law and to hold accountable those who commit such atrocities.

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