Society & Culture

Novelist Baraka Sakin: The Eleven Commandments 

Agencies – Sudan Events

When you write, you must forget what your religion, party, or tribe is, and just write the text.

Do not hesitate at all to write any word that comes to your mind if it is technically necessary.

At the moment of writing, do not care at all about all the virtues, values, and morals that you have learned.

Care only about the human being, the values ​​that belong to him, and the morals and virtues that belong to him. I mean the human being that you represent in the text.

Do not think about publishing until you have finished writing, because thinking about publishing leads to thinking about what should be written and what should not.

Forget all the laws that restrict your writing and limit your freedom.

Put the world in your pocket while you write. Own it all, time and place.

Use the language that suits you personally.

Follow only the music that comes from yourself, the music that belongs to you, the music that is part of you and you are part of it.

Remember Baudelaire’s quote, “Do not confuse ink with virtue.”

Do not forget your grandmother Virginia Woolf’s advice: “All subjects are suitable for writing.”

In the midst of writing, do not miss the craft.

I mean the art of the game, because the novel is not the story, but it is the art of writing the story, and so are poetry, stories, and drawing.

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