
Calls for A zero Budget for fiscal 2024

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

The Economist Dr. Mohammad Al-Nayer is of the view that the year 2024 requires a zero based budget that does no build on us budgets, but which relies on establishing of a new, modern budget that relies on program, not items, the budget must be prepared compatible with the requirements of the next stage.

He said in his statement to “Sudan Events” that the ongoing war does not prevent the preparation of a budget and it can be amended during the year because it is going through an exceptional circumstance according to developments of the situation in the country.

He said that the 2023 budget was inflated, as it jumped to (8) trillion pounds, while the 2022 budget only exceeded (2.9) trillion pounds, despite all the increases in fees, taxes and customs, the lifting of fuel subsidies, and the increase in commodity prices, it did not exceed this number, so it does not make sense for it, the jump.

The budget reached about 8 trillion pounds, indicating a huge leap, so the budget itself suffers from problems, not only the war.

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