
Split within Minawi movement

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

A number of leaders from the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Minni Arko Minawi faction, have defected and formed a new movement they labeled (Sudan Liberation/Democracy).
Prominent among those who led the spilt are Hasba Al-Nabi Mahmoud Hasab Al-Nabi, Khaled Ammar Yaqoub Shugar, Ahmed Khayar Ahmed Khater, Badr Al-Din Mohammed Ali, Al-Taher Abakar Ehaimer Jad Al-Sayyid, Abu Bakr Musa Ahmed Godullah, Izz Al-Din Adam Obeh Ibrahim, Yahya Issa Adam, Musa Omer Abdul Karim and Abu Bakr Abdul Rahman Munzal Jawadah.
The new movement’s political declaration, published by Hasab Al-Nabi Mahmoud on X Platform (Formerly Twitter) today(Thursday) said they took the step because of what they described as “clear backtracked positions of some comrades” since Juba Agreement and taking part in October25, Coup, accordingly the head of the movement sided and fought with the Sudanese Army. The group said it also considered fighting along the army side was a retreat from their declared position towards the war, which is neutrality and working to stop it.
The statement said a number of leaders of the movement, armed struggle forces, and representatives of civil society organizations met and unanimously elected a supreme leadership body, and the new name (Sudan Democratic Liberation Movement), was adopted.
According to the political declaration published today, the leadership body will hold consultation meetings in order to elect the movement’s executive office during the coming period.
The group announced that it is categorically against participation in the ongoing war and called on the leaders of the movements to immediately withdraw from supporting any party and to seek to stop the war in Sudan.
It renewed its neutral position towards the war, and affirmed its support for the Jeddah Platform and its support for the United States, Saudi Arabia, the European and African Union, the League of Arab States and IGAD to reach comprehensive peace in Sudan.
The new groups also it stands against those who call for the division of Sudan, and affirmed working for the voluntary unity of the Sudan and for the return of the displaced and refugees to their home areas and for the compensation of the individuals and for the groups impacted by the war in Darfur
The group said it condemned all crimes committed against the Sudanese civilians.

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