
Fatwa against RSF Militia

Sudan Events-Follow-ups

The Sudanese Union of Scholars, Imams and Preachers issued a Legal religious opinion (fatwa) about the ongoing war between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces.
The Union said in its fatwa today, Wednesday, that it considers fight against the RSF a form of jihad of defense, and that it is within the framework of fighting invading transgressors who are spreading corruption on the country, without any condition, exception, or caution.
The Union explained that every Muslim is entitled to defend himself/herself and others to the best of his/her ability, whether man or woman, and as Ibn Taymiyyah says: (As for fighting to defend one’s sanctity and religion, it is obligatory according to consensus. For the attacking enemy that corrupts religion and the world, there is nothing more obligatory after Islamic faith than repelling the enemy. No condition is required to fight it, but rather the enemy is repelled by all possible means).
The Union stated in its fatwa that all Muslims must line up to fight these oppressive, warlike, rampaging people who are spreading corruption on earth, as well as fighting anyone who aligned themselves with them and defended them, whether an informant or a spy, and facilitated for them the paths of transgression and aggression and of prolonging the war, so their ruling is that they should join them in the obligation to kill him and make his blood permissible. The Union added, that the Muslim scholars have agreed that the transgressing and abstaining group that abstains from some of the apparent and frequent duties of Islam and abandons all or some of the obligatory rituals of Islam, or deems permissible what God has forbidden and refuse to abstain from prohibiting immoral acts or alcohol or marrying unmarriageable women, or from unlawfully abusing souls and property, usury, gambling and other similar laws of Islam then they must be fought, even if their tongues utter the Shahada, so long as they refuse to apply the laws of Islam or to submit to them, according to what was stated in the text of the fatwa.

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