Grain Production: 10 Million Tons

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Federal Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Salah al-Din Tambal, has confirmed that indicators forecast the production of 10 million tons of food grains for the summer season, compared to the production of eight million tons in the previous season, pointing out that the average local consumption amounts to five million tons.
He revealed that the surplus from the previous year amounted to three million tons.
In press statements, the Undersecretary attributed the expectations that indicated the occurrence of a famine to the difficulty of delivering food to the areas affected by the war, not the food, denying any possibility of a famine.
He also announced the outcomes of the conference that was held in Gadaref State, pointing out that the most prominent outcomes were the transfer of the Blue Nile and White Nile projects to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture instead of the states, due to the opportunities the federation has in creating external communications, agreements, and global partnerships.
He attributed the Ministry of Finance’s inability to determine the central price for the wheat crop to the high cost of cultivation compared to imported wheat.