Doctors Warning: Imminent Health Disaster in Madani

Sudan Event – Follow-ups
The preliminary committee of the Sudan Medical Syndicate (SMC) renewed its absolute condemnation of the outbreak of war in the various states of Sudan, and called for its immediate cessation and for the protection of innocent civilians.
The doctors say they consider the current war given the loss of lives and property that the country has sustained and the complete collapse of the state’s structure at the expenses of its population’s health sector.
The committee said in a statement issued on Saturday, that the expansion of the war to Wad Madani puts the country in front of one of the largest humanitarian disasters in light of this war, particularly since the city has become a safe haven for patients with heart diseases, cancer, kidneys, and incurable medical conditions, but it on the brink of health and humanitarian catastrophe.
The committee warned that hundreds of thousands of patients who were displaced from various states of Sudan, including war-wounded and injured and patients in intensive care departments, face an unknown fate due to the lack of health support and medical resources and the displacement of doctors and health personnel outside the city of Madani.
The preliminary committee of the (SMC) warned that the sector is currently facing a critical situation, as most hospitals have become empty and unable to provide the necessary medical services. Gezira Emergency and Trauma Hospital was occupied and went out of service, and the Civil Center for Heart Diseases and Surgery was closed after it came under fire from military clashes. Service may stop in the rest of the specialized hospitals if the military situation develops and the security chaos that accompany that and the displacement of the remaining doctors and health personnel. It indicated that matters are becoming more complicated with the closure of pharmacies and the transfer of private health service outside the town.
The preliminary committee of the (SMC) warned that this situation increases the complications of the existing humanitarian crisis, particularly as Sudan is witnessing a large-scope movement of displaced persons seeking safer shelter without the provision of protection and humanitarian support.
Since Friday, the city of Wad Madani, the capital of Gezira State, has been subjected to a new wave of attacks, as the attack focused on the eastern neighborhoods of the city borders adjacent to the Nile in Abu Haraz and the Inqaz neighborhood, with the Sudanese army confronting these attacks.