
River Nile: Bridges & Crossings Closure

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The local authorities in the River Nile State have issued a decision to close the Nile crossings and bridges in the state, starting today, Sunday, at night.
The decision comes within a package of preventive security and precautionary measures taken by the states neighboring Khartoum.
The decision to close the bridges and cossing at night included Umm Al-Tuyour and Al-Bashir bridges linking the eastern and western banks, which constitute the Nile crossing point for movement between the River Nile State and the northern and Khartoum states, in addition to the new Atbara Bridge on the Atbara River, which connects the northern and southern banks of the river, which connects the River Nile State to the states of Khartoum, the Red Sea, and the old iron bridge linking between the cities of Al-Damer and Atbara

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