Sudan: Plan for Exporting Six million livestock

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Livestock, Dr. Hassan Al-Toum Abdullah, revealed that his ministry had submitted an emergency plan for post-war preparations to the Cabinet.
Al-Tom said in a statement to (Sudan Events) that the emergency plan focuses on enhancing livestock exports to support the state treasury and to export six million heads compared to five million heads this year, adding that the plan includes rehabilitating quarries and infrastructure, as well as paying attention to the animal health, including import of vaccines.
Al-Tom has stressed that revenues from livestock exports for the current year 2023 amounted to $500 million, adding that the meat exports during the war time from Al-Sahel slaughterhouse in Port Sudan has continued uninterrupted, pointing to the opening of the Tala slaughterhouse in the River Nile State with a capacity of three thousand heads of sheep and 500 heads of cows daily, in addition to arrangements to open a slaughterhouse in Gadarif State within the coming two years