Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Sudanese democratic and civil forces (TAGADUM), led by former Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdouk, has announced that a meeting of the Executive Committee will be held in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, during the current December 17-20 to agree on the detailed arrangements for holding the “founding conference” of the coordination and to discuss the latest war developments on the ground and politically and its repercussions on civilians.
The coordination was formed late last October, led by former Prime Minister of the transitional period, Hamdouk, and comprises 60 members to follow up on the preparations for the founding conference of the coalition to unify the civil forces supporting the end of war.
The Coordination Committee said in a statement, on Saturday evening, that they are moving steadily towards uniting the democratic civil forces in order to stop the war, achieve sustainable peace, and restore the December Revolution.
The statement renewed the call for the Armed Forces and the RSF to end the war through a negotiated political solution to establish a democratic civil state with a single national professional army.
The Coordination Committee condemned violations committed against citizens that accompanied the recent military developments in the bombing of Nyala by air force and the spread of the war to Gezira State, which was considered a safe place for millions of people fleeing the war in Khartoum, Kordufan and El-Fasher.
The statement called on the international and regional communities to intensify their pressure towards stopping hostilities, enhancing opportunities for a negotiated solution, and taking serious measures to protect and provide humanitarian relief to civilians.
The statement said rejecting political solutions threatens to expand the war to other safer states, worsens the human tragedy, and ultimately leading to the division of the country.