Society & Culture

Actor Abu Bakr Faisal: We did not imagine to be Didplaced and Refugees

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

The year 2023 is preparing to departure, it is not like last years, it will pass unhappily as an unlucky year for the Sudanese.
The war began at the beginning of the second quarter of the year, on the fifteenth of April, and continues until now.
This year, the singers community lost many of its icons due to death. Many of them lost their jobs their projects were disrupted, and they became displaced and refugees.
The young actor Abu Bakr Faisal sadly recounts the chapters of a year that he sees as one of the worst years he has ever experienced. Abu Bakr Faisal said in an interview with Sudan Events that when the year began, they had many artistic projects: We had the series (Germuz) and a number of new works for which we founded the SANA Production Company.
The technician. We were about to enter new worlds in the field of drama according to our plan to work through the projects that we had developed, but God wanted the war to break out, and praise be to God for what God wanted.
Abu Bakr tells of his suffering in leaving the area of ​​conflicts to Cairo and from there to the Emirates on a bitter journey at all levels: I left after the beatings intensified in the Taif region to Cairo and from there to the Emirates, and my heart was on my country, my family, and my people.
He added: The situation is truly unfortunate, and we did not imagine that we would arrive there. The stage of a displaced person and a refugee. If we leave in this way, we will be separated from our family, our home, and our friends, and we will be separated by places, as happened.
The year 2023 brought a lot of frustration: This year brought a lot of pain, bitterness, fear and loss for us as Sudanese. Abu Bakr Faisal hopes that the new year will be a better year: We hope that the زnew year will come and the situation will be better. And for people to return to their homes and jobs.
Abu Bakr Faisal classifies himself as a refugee and lives in the hope of returning to his homeland and the work he lost: Here there are Sudanese, but there is no artistic activity. We hope to return to our lives and work as soon as possible.

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