
FM: call for pressuring militia to implement Jeddah Declaration


Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Sudan’s Foreign Minister, Ambassador Ali Al-Sadiq, presented Sudan’s statement before the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum at its sixth session, held in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh.
The Minister briefed the session on the unfortunate developments that Sudan is currently witnessing following the rebellion of the Rapid Support Forces and their desperate and miserable attempt to seize power by force and the systematic destruction and sabotage the militias left behind intentionally since the fifteenth of last April.
The minister added that this terrorist militia attacked the Sudanese people in an unprecedented brutal manner, targeting their property, families and wreaking havoc and destruction in service facilities and civil state institutions according to plan targeting the essence and composition of the Sudanese state, its symbols and civilization and its various social components.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed
to the desperate attempts made by the militia recently to expand the scope of the war in Sudan and transfer it to other states by attacking the shelters for displaced people in central Sudan in Al-Gezira State and in North Darfur in the city of El-Fasher, all of which are areas devoid of military targets and host large numbers of civilians and those displaced by the war, in addition to the concentration of humanitarian activity there, it does not give the slightest consideration to international humanitarian law or the requirements of humanitarian work that uses these areas as shelter centers for displaced people and the distribution and delivery of relief, which adds to their criminal record, and violations that have received widespread condemnation from organizations and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the governments of many countries, making it necessary for the international community to classify these militias as a terrorist group, and thus everyone who provides any form of assistance or support to this militia, whether individuals, legal entities, or countries, becomes its partner in its terrorist acts.
At the end of his speech, Al-Sadiq called for the facilitating parties and the international community to exert sufficient pressure on this militia to confirm its commitment to the Jeddah Declaration and implement it on the ground so that humanitarian corridors can be opened and support can be provided to those in need.

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