Society & Culture

Sudan’s Great Writers Still Echo Over Conflict

Agencies – Sudan Events

Tayyeb Saleh and Mohamed al-Fayturi remain relevant to a troubled nation as its struggle with military rule intensifies once again
A novelist who decried military rule, tracing it to the country’s colonial roots, and a poet showing how tyranny destroys itself both resonate afresh as conflict rages in their homeland once more
Accordig to Al Majalla,
Dreams of a free, progressive and prosperous Sudan were popularised by the country’s two greatest literary geniuses. Although much time has passed since their works were published, their words continue to resonate with Sudanese people in contemporary times — particularly after this week’s resumption of hostilities.
The enduring appeal of novelist Tayyeb Saleh and poet Mohammad al-Fayturi has prompted Al Majalla to revisit their work in the context of the conflict that is once again gripping the homeland of these famous writers.
While both men are no longer living, Sudan’s history of conflict means their work has much to say.
It continues to show how intellectual and poetic interpretations of events can offer clarity to people and also inspire hope.
Their literature remains sharp and direct, retaining its ability to reflect and channel the dreams of a long-suffering land. Their words demonstrate the power of rhetoric – both when it screams loudly and when it is quietly read – to denounce wrongs and become a voice for progress amid complex and conflicting clashes.

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