
Murders and Airstrike at Infantry Division

Sudan Events/Follow-ups

The Rapid Support militia (RSF) continued its violations in the Gezira State in central Sudan, which it invaded last week. The militia in the city of Wad Medani yesterday, Sunday, assassinated a researcher at the Institute of Economic Studies, Dr. Abdul-Al Abdul Latif Abdul-Al Fadl, by shooting him in his home after the militia soldiers accused him of belonging to Sudanese army intelligence and providing it with information.
Researcher Abdul-Al Abdul-Latif also works as a statistician and a collaborator professor in a number of Sudanese universities. He is a graduate of the 20th batch of the Faculty of Economics, University of Gezira.
In the village of Salama, south of Gezira, the militia also assassinated citizen Sheikh Al-Fadl with a bullet to the head because he refused to surrender his car.
Meanwhile, in terms of military operations in Medani, local residents reported that a Sudanese army fighter bombed on Monday morning the headquarters of the 1st Infantry Division in the city of Medani. Activists broadcast a video clip documenting the moment the attack was launched and columns of smoke rising there.
The RSF militia took control of the city of Medani, the capital of Gezira State in central Sudan, last week following a sudden withdrawal of the Sudanese army, which said, according to a statement issued on Friday that it was investigating the reasons for that withdraw

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