
Hemedti .. A War Criminal

News Analysis
Mohammad Wadaa

It does not matter if Hemedti is alive or dead. In both cases, he is a war criminal and will be punished. Those who are fighting under his banner now have no goal except spoils, plunder and looting. The important thing is that his dreams are dead forever. He listened to the devil and ignored all logic and reality and want to be the first man in the state without right, and to believe in the myths of charlatans, and that the moment of hijacking power has come. Hemedti is responsible for all the crimes and violations committed by his forces and mercenaries, and he is responsible for desecrating homes, raping women, and plundering and robbing markets and banks, and destroying infrastructure, killing civilians, torturing and displacing them, occupying hospitals and service facilities, and he is responsible for the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing, and he is the first wanted person for all violations and crimes against humanity, and they are crimes that do not have a statute of limitations.
Hemedti and his allies and those with them rebelled against the framework agreement they had signed and against the constitutional situation under which Hemedti continued as Vice President of the Sovereign Council and in control of the executive apparatus, the economy, the judiciary and the Attorney General. While negotiations were taking place to complete the negotiations on security arrangements, Hemedti chose conspiracy as a way to implement it with military force. The bloody coup failed to overthrow the commander of the armed forces and install one of the death rowers as its commander. Fierce battles took place with the aim of controlling the general command, armored vehicles, and strategic facilities, declaring their victory over the army, and installing Hemedti as Emir of the country, and for Hemedti to declare his commitment to the framework agreement and the formation of a government of immoral elements and receiving a blessing from Volker and the Quartet. It became clear to everyone that those fighting with RSFwere mostly a group of foreign mercenaries, coming from Chad and Central Africa, and from Niger, Mali and Cameroon, with the support and planning of the Russian Wagner, and American money and weapons provided by the Emirates. They commit all crimes against the state and against society with the aim of earning money tainted with the blood of the Sudanese, and as soon as signs of defeat appeared, they abandoned the fighting, and took refuge in the neighborhoods to take refuge with the citizens, and they did not spare a house without desecrating and looting it, and they took government facilities and hospitals, schools and universities are military centers.
The coup plan failed, the war failed to seize power, all misleading slogans to restore the democratic transition, the “remnants” war, and the 56 state collapsed, and all attempts by the militia and its allies to justify the documented crimes and violations it committed failed, and international condemnations of its actions continued, describing what it had done. The RSF militia in Darfur are responsible for all the characteristics of genocide and ethnic cleansing. After the sanctions imposed by the US Treasury on Abdul Rahim Dagalo and Abdul Rahman Jumaa, and international condemnations by the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the European Union and the International Criminal Court,
Despite Western hypocrisy, which applied double standards according to its interests, it could not ignore the atrocities committed by the rebel militia in Darfur, destroying and burning Khartoum, looting it and displacing its residents. The US State Department condemned the RSF for deliberately bombing civilians. The Committee for Monitoring RSF Violations and Crimes announced that it opened more than (15,000) reports and lawsuits from Sudanese citizens against the RSF, including reports of forced disappearance and rape, and about (150) thousand reports of the theft of vehicles and cars, for which markets were established, and some of which were smuggled to neighboring countries.
Many attempts to implement the outcomes of the Jeddah Platform have failed, after the intransigence of the RSF militia and its refusal to implement the Jeddah Declaration, and its most important provisions, namely eviction of citizens’ homes and hospitals and leaving service facilities. After eight months have passed, the Jeddah negotiations cannot resume from where they stopped. Since last May, the dissolved militia committed additional violations and crimes in violation of the agreement and international law. It was dissolved and its law was repealed. It became legally persecuted, and was subjected to international condemnations and sanctions. There was a popular consensus to reject its presence in the future of the country. The Sudanese people, who have an interest in ending the war, will not accept any political process that does not restore their stolen rights his wasted dignity and his shed blood, and without a doubt, the violations and looting that happened in Medani and Gezira stand as conclusive evidence that the serial crimes of the militia have no end.
The April 15 war may be the first war of its kind that took place directly between three parties, and not two parties as some say. The war began with the rebellion of the RSF and the failure of their coup attempt. As soon as the second week of the war came, the RSF targeted citizens and took away their homes from them. It plundered, stole, and destroyed vehicles and furniture, invaded public and private hospitals, markets, factories, civil facilities, and banks, captured thousands of civilians and regular pensioners, and committed crimes of ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, and rape, with unparalleled stupidity. The militia targeted the Sudanese people and aroused hostility towards them. It deserved the hatred, and hostility of the Sudanese people, and its presence is no longer acceptable. The Sudanese people want to end the war in accordance with the legal and constitutional entitlement. They want to regain their lives and dignity, and regain their money, homes, vehicles, and household furniture, their hospitals and factories. The Sudanese people demand their legal right to hold accountable those involved in murder, ethnic cleansing and rape, and will reject any mixing of papers, and will not accept any political process before restoring rights, reparation and compensation in accordance with the law.
December 28, 2023

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