
A Muslim Convention in North America Launches in Chicago

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

The 22nd Annual MAS-ICNA Convention brings thousands of North American Muslims together in Chicago for a transformative event celebrating the diversity and resilience of Muslim communities and highlighting their commitment to global Islamic causes.
The 22nd Annual MAS-ICNA Convention, a flagship event organised by the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), kicked off in Chicago on December 28, heralding three days of spiritual enrichment, educational discourse and community engagement.
One of North America’s largest and most diverse Islamic gatherings, the convention is a testament to the resilient spirit of the Muslim community. Serving as a nexus for leading American Muslim NGOs and tens of thousands of Muslims, the gathering fosters unity under the overarching theme of “At the Crossroads: Faith, Vision & Resilience” — reflecting a Muslim commitment to addressing contemporary challenges with unwavering faith and resilience.
The opening speeches were centered around Palestine, with Dr. Omar Suleiman delivering a poignant speech titled “Since 1948 – When the truth unfolds.”
From its humble beginnings in 2001, when it welcomed 1,500 attendees, the MAS-ICNA Convention has evolved into a massive annual congregation, attracting over 30,000 participants last year.

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