Society & Culture

History of Black Africa Written with Dates as Dry

Agencies – Sudan Events

A West African proverb says: “Salt comes from the north, gold from the south and silver from the country of the white men, but the word of God and the treasures of wisdom are only to be found in Timbuktu.”
Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop in his masterpiece Precolonial Black Africa stated:

According to black history studies, “Until now, the history of Black Africa has always been written with dates as dry as laundry lists…no researcher has ever succeeded in revivifying the African past, in bringing it back to life in our minds, before our very eyes.

while remaining strictly within the realm of science. Yet the documents at our disposal allow us to do that practically without any break in continuity for a period of two thousand years, at least insofar as West Africa is concerned.”

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