
WHO: Urgent Action for Sudan

Sudan Events/ follow up

The UN World Health Organization (WHO) has called for taking urgent action to help worsening conflict amid the deepening humanitarian and health crises in Sudan, while international financial assistance is badly needed to meet the urgent needs.
The situation has been getting worse as a result of the ongoing war between the Sudanese Army and the rebel militia Rapid Support Forces (RSF) that broke out in mid-April this year.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General has pointed out in a statement in his account in X platform that urgent action is needed to reverse Sudan’s worsening conflict amid the deepening humanitarian and health crises, with the fresh displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, mainly women and children.
He stressed that while responding with partners to the acute health needs, including controlling disease spread and addressing malnutrition threats.
He reiterated that WHO calls for increased financial support from the international community to meet the pressing health needs of the affected populations.
Who said these needs include boosting provision of basic health services for the most vulnerable in affected states, where at least 70% of health facilities are not working due to the conflict.

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