Omar Al-Awad Short Story Award Announces

Khartoum – Sudan Events
Administration of Al-Damer Cultural Forum announced a major competition called (Omar Al-Awad Short Story Competition) sponsored by Al-Mamoun Printing House.
The family of the late Omar Al-Awad announced at the third anniversary of his passing, which took place at his home in Al-Dahmer, that the prizes for the winners of the competition will be valuable.
The third anniversary of the passing was dedicated to words and poems of lamentation for the deceased, which were presented by many poets and speakers, most notably the family representative, brother of the late, Mohamed Ahmad Al-Awad (Hamida).
Many lamentation poems were also recited by poets: Abdullah Mohamed Abdul Karim, Abdul Rahim Mohamed Al-Sheikh, Abdel Moneim Aqarib, Ezzedine Kneish, and poems by other poets.
Abdel-Rahman Al-Shibli presented part of the poetic play by the late Omar Al-Awad entitled (Accepting the Disciple), with the participation of Mohammad Al-Fateh, Amir Al-Hariri and Hashem Ahmed Omar.
Hassan Ahmed Al-Sheikh, founder of the Monday Forum in Atbara, reviewed the position of the draft book on the biography and life of Omar Al-Awad, announcing the availability of many documentary materials about the deceased, including friends, colleagues, and students of the deceased, pointing out the necessity of producing the book in a proper manner, in addition to producing dramatic materials by Omar Al-Awad in a manner similar to works.
In a preparatory meeting for the anniversary of his passing, Hassan Al-Sheikh launched an initiative to build the largest cultural complex or institution in the name of the late Omar Al-Awad in Al-Damer, with a branch in Atbara.
Applications for the competition begin from December 7, 2023 – until January 27, 2024, with the announcement of the results of the competition and the distribution of prizes on Monday, 26 – February 2024.