
New Details about Renaissance Dam


Sudan Events – Agencies

The expert in African Affairs at the Al-Ahram Center for Strategic Studies, Dr. Amani Al-Taweel, has underlined that “the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation’s announcement on ending the negotiating tracks permanently may be an opportunity to reveal the position of both the US State Department and the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, which were in agreement that Addis Ababa would not sign the agreement.”

Al-Taweel explained, in statements to “Eram News,” that “this consensus may be due to multiple reasons, including the desire of Addis Ababa and Washington to have strong pressure tools on Egypt, more than achieving the conditions for regional peace and security in the Middle East and East Africa.”

Four rounds of tripartite talks, which included Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan during the year 2023, failed to achieve progress towards reaching an agreement on the outstanding issues related to the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam dossier, which raised fears of escalating tensions regarding this issue.

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