
Victory is in Sight


By Ali A’skouri
January 8, 2024

For nearly nine months, the rebel militia have failed no matter what they did, to inflict any defeat on the Sudanese Armed Forces, they failed to take control of the national capital, despite repeated attempts to seize control of the headquarters and commands of Armed Forces Units.
Whoever looks back will realize that, in the capital, the militias have only controlled places where they were originally stationed prior to launching their war against the country and its people. They have been in control over service sites affiliated to the army but which did not have adequate fighting force or over police units. These are the ploys resorted to by the helpless who are just seeking to effect loud noise or make a media buzz.
Having miserably failed to defeat the Armed Forces or take over power in the country, the militias then resorted to targeting defenseless civilians and remote villages, as is currently happening in the Gezira State, central Sudan.
Targeting remote army units, as has taken place in Darfur, or targeting villages in Butana or Gezira, would definitely suggest the militias have sustained a defeat, and that they have in fact conceded that their essential project of defeating the Armed Forces and taking over power in the country, totally failed and crashed and that they no longer have the manpower or the military might to repeat those attempts of taking over power in the country.
What is certain now is that the militia has fallen back to its original nature which is a group of murderers, criminals and thugs, nothing more…
Therefore, we can say that war, in the traditional sense of war that is: an army facing an army, has now ended, and that what is happening is that crimes are being committed by a group of armed terrorists against defenseless civilians who are struggling to defend their lives, honor, and properties.
Therefore, we say to the traitors and agents of “Taqaddum” who are talking about stopping the war, that there is no war in our country so that people work to stop it. What is taking place right now are armed crimes committed against defenseless civilians, and those civilians have now risen up to support their army to put an end to this thuggery. That’s the reality of what’s going on.
No one will now be able to claim that there is confrontation between two armies in Sudan, so that we would be talking about a “war” to be stopped or to search for a truce or ceasefire.

Because of this, we will all have to be very careful in using vocabulary. Our use of the term “war” to describe what is happening is an exaggeration for armed robberies committed by gangs and the Rapid Support militia, and accordingly, the initiatives taking place in various circles have become worthless and meaningless because they have committed mistakes and have misunderstood the nature of what is happening.
We must therefore be careful in our use of vocabulary so as not to give the militia an adjective and description it does not deserve and which would entail consequences such as negotiations, a ceasefire, etc. Rather, what we must be concerned with is stopping the crimes of this armed militia, its plundering of citizens, terrorizing civilians and rendering them refugees in their own homeland.
I believe that our address for the world must adopt this description and stop describing what is happening as a “war.”
For all of this, confronting the militia and the Rapid Support gangs and their attacks on remote villages and towns can only be done by training and arming people to defend their lives because the militia has veered from attacking the army and has begun targeting defenseless innocent civilians after the faltering of its project to control the state.
The Popular Resistance Committees that spread all over the country from end to end must not be content with defending their own areas alone, but their leaders must coordinate tightly with the Armed Forces and follow their orders to defeat the militia in Gezira and then head to the capital to encircle it, crush the thieves and militia’s pockets and liberate it completely.
Based on my contacts with the leaders of the Popular Resistance in different states and regions, I am confident that sweeping the militias from the entire territory of our country is the primary goal of the popular resistance, and I have no doubt in my mind that our people are fully capable of defeating the militias, sweeping them out, and cleansing our country of their crimes and abominations.
The reality is that we are on the verge of scoring a victory that will surprise the whole world, they will be astonished, given the fact that the Sudanese people have now realized the points of their strength and pulled themselves together, relied on their will and came out to brave the thugs and murders. Victory is looming not far and I could see it with my bare eyes
And this is our land

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