
Emergency Lawyers Condemns RSF violations

Sudan Events/Follow-ups

Emergency Lawyers have condemned violations committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) against civilians in the villages and cities of Gezira State.
The emergency lawyers said in a statement on Tuesday, that a RSF came to the area on convoys of four-wheel drive vehicles and attacked civilians in the town of Al-Me’eliq in Al-Kamilin locality, Gezira State, which is devoid of any military manifestations. The statement explained that the aggressor forces hit the unarmed civilians with a barrage of bullets, instantly killing “Babakir Abu Khalif” and injuring other civilians. The statement condemned the behavior of the RSF as they unjustifiably attacked civilians and looted their property. The statement indicated that civilians and civilian property are protected under the Geneva Conventions establishing the rules of international humanitarian law, and violating them constitutes a war crime that makes its perpetrators liable to accountability by the International Criminal Court.

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