
Pharmacists: Citizens Unable to Buy Medicines

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Citizens complained about unprecedented rise in the prices of medicines, for reasons that pharmacists who spoke to (Sudan Events) attributed to the war’s aftermath, that came with the destruction of pharmaceutical plants in Khartoum and the looting of all medicinal stocks, including medical supplies and pharmacies, in addition to a significant rise in the exchange rate and complications facing imports.
Some pharmacists warned of a disaster in the medicine sector if prices continued to rise. A pharmacist at Al-Bilad Pharmacy in Shendi town, River Nile State, confirmed in a statement to (Sudan Events) that many citizens are unable to buy the medicines in doctor’s prescriptions, knocked by the whooping prices, particularly with the suspension of the Health Insurance Service.
A pharmacist at Al-Baraka Pharmacy in Sheindi said that there are varying increases in the prices of medicines, and a shortage of some medicines, pointing out that the price of diabetes monthly quota’s treatment has risen to (5) thousand pounds, compared to (3) thousand pounds before the war, while the price of the Simbacort asthma spray has risen (10) thousand pounds compared to (4) thousand pounds before, and the price of the blood pressure drug is (6) thousand pounds per strip instead of 3 thousand pounds, indicating that the price of the antibiotic drug Amoclan is (8) thousand pounds, and the price of the fluid drug “injection” is (5) thousand pounds. .
In the meantime, a pharmacist revealed that there is a scarcity of drugs for psychological and neurological diseases, and he confirmed that most pharmacies suffer from stagnation in selling partially because of the unaffordable high prices for drugs.

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