Society & Culture

“Samahani” Ihsan Allah Osman Ali


Sudan Events

Samahani… expressing regret and requesting an apology… twenty-five chapters rich in recalling history and its narrative philosophy… drawing inspiration from it without imitating in its events and time, the memory of tyranny whose door has not yet been closed.
The events occurring in the novel and the mechanisms of narrative intertextuality anticipate its conclusion… a space that has been historically silenced and seen through the eyes of the present.

The novel presents itself without any resources bearing the controversy of history and the bleeding of the past, thick with wounds, in untouched worlds…

“Samahani”, published by Maskeliani House in 2017, means “excuse me” in the Swahili language. It charts the human journey towards liberation, love and tolerance, opening the door wide for interpretation for more than one reading in the history of slavery relations.

The conflicts and statements related to the center and the margins… Arabism and Negroism… Despotism and freedom in narrative paths across historical and social circumstances.
Samahani… in addition to the forms of African narrative discourse and its intellectual and creative formations with all its features and margins, through theoretical approaches, imaginative readings, the use of characters, and the taming of historical material.
The circular narrative and the smooth dramatic transition of events adds a modern dimension to the structure of the novel, ranging between myth and reality… Truth and fantasy… realism and exoticism, a magical touch that characterized the text’s movements through tropical forests, palaces, perfumes, and the body… and the princess blessed by Allah and possible-impossible love…

Samhani.. The victory of the margins over the center.. It transcended history and the past to establish the present and the future.. The journey of the will of the people and the spiritual journey of the individual towards self-completion and the acquisition of meaning..
A novel that opens a bygone notebook in this time haunted by “the evil in the human heart.”
The princess loves the sea, but from the balcony of her palace. She loves the stories of sailors, but not from their mouths. Moana is the last sailor she will see.
Sondos will return to her after becoming suspicious of her late arrival with Moana, only to find her on a rock a devoured, lifeless body. Moana runs away. And Sondos approaches the princess. He whispers to her, Samahani “

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