Society & Culture

Novelist Atef Alhaj Saeed: Wins Regional Award


Sudan Events

Sudanese novelist Atef Alhaj Saeed has won the first prize in the Tawfiq Bakkar Award for Arabic Novel 2021.

Organizers of the Tunisia – based Award announced last Saturday that Saeed has won the prize for his novel al nawrass yahjuruhu al sirb (Sea Gull Deserted by the Flock) out of 106 novels contending for this edition of the Award.

Saeed’s triumph in this acclaimed literary competition is a testament to his exceptional storytelling skills and his profound understanding of the human experience.

Through his novel, he skillfully explores timeless themes that captivate and resonate with readers from diverse backgrounds. The compelling narrative, laden with vivid imagery and poignant symbolism, offers readers an exclusive insight into the complex interplay of love, solitude, and the human condition.

The Tawfiq Bakkar Award for Arabic Novel, renowned for its commitment to promoting outstanding Arabic literature, has become synonymous with honoring literary giants who contribute significantly to the literary landscape of the Arab world.

By bestowing this prestigious accolade upon Atef Alhaj Saeed, the award’s organizers have recognized his profound literary talent and unwavering dedication to the art form.

Undoubtedly, Saeed’s unrivaled achievement will inspire budding writers across the region and beyond, encouraging them to pursue their creative passions and continue contributing to the literary canon with their unique perspectives and exceptional storytelling abilities.

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