Faiza Amseeb under Bombardment

Sudan Events: Magda Hassan
Egyptian film critic Fathi Suleiman wrote praising the able actresses Fayza Amaseeb for her film Root of Dates ( Eraq Al Balah).
He wrote on his Facebook page: A film that has no expiration date and an artist with no local borders. The able Fayza Amsib, Sudan’s ambassador to the world of art, is an artist who deserves an Oscar with all merit.
May Allah have mercy on Radwan. The detector who knew how to choose.
His letters found a wide resonance among Sudanese dramatists.
It is worth noting that the able Faiza Amseeb is now residing in her home in the city of Omdurman under bombardment and bullets.
She has not been able to leave it due to difficulty in moving her leg, which she has been unable to stand on for three years. Attempts are being made to remove her from Khartoum to Cairo to receive treatment.