
Former Minister: Current Conflict a struggle over power

Sudan Events /Follow-ups

Dr. Al-Samani Wasila, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, has underlined the importance of the Egyptian role in resolving the Sudanese crisis, explaining that what is happening in Sudan is actually a powere struggle.
Al-Samani Wasila said during his meeting with journalist Mustafa Bakri, on the “Facts and Secrets” program on Sada El-Balad channel, that Egypt’s role in resolving the Sudanese crisis is essential, because its security is directly affected by what is happening in Sudan.
The former Sudanese Foreign Minister added that the solution to the crisis will only be Sudanese- Sudanese, no matter how many countries intervene, pointing out that the role of the Sudanese people is the decisive factor in the coming period.

He pointed out that the Red Sea conflict is very disturbing to many countries, including Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Ethiopia, and if terrorist organizations succeed, this region will be disrupted and will pose a threat to the security of the Gulf, and that approximately 20% of global trade passes through the Red Sea.

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