Society & Culture

Between The Foot Ball and Singing, Immortal Songs by Football Club Presidents


Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

The new president of the Sudanese Al-Merreikh Club, Omar Al-Numair, was quick to deny what was said about his talents in poetry and composition, that had been repeated on social media sites since he took office.
Particularly, after mentioning that he presented a song by the singer Muhannad Jamal. Poetry, composition, and sports have previously come together among former football club presidents, the most famous of whom is Salah Idris, former president of Al Hilal Club, as well as Dr. Ashraf Cardinal, former president of the same club.

Business and Art
At the beginning of the third millennium, it gained attention, and the community interested in singing and composing focused on two persons who attracted attention.
They suddenly appeared as businessmen and athletes writing poetry and weaving beautiful melody… Salah Idris nickname ( Al Arbab ) and Ashraf Al Kardinal, who have stories with poetry, particularly for those who love poetry of love and nostalgia.
So Al Kardinal wrote for them the song (No one Loves You more than me ) and at that time it became a haven for lovers in love, which was sung by the singer Kamal Terbas in the most beautiful portrait and he wrote songs for a group of young singers.
Salah Idris also sailed far into the world of art and became an unblemished composer and began composing as Ali Ahmed, and the melody of the song (Excuse me ), whose lyrics were penned by the poet Ishaq Al-Halnaqi and performed by the singer Saif Al-Jamaa.
According to critics, it is considered one of the most beautiful songs released in the past two decades. Al-Arbab also composed the then-popular song (No Problem ), the lyrics of which were penned by Al-Halnaqi and sung by Jamal Farfour.
It is considered a milestone in Farfour’s singing career. Al-Arbab also composed many songs by the singer Hussein Shendi.

Kardinal Idris’s poems and compositions attracted attention, and because they were stars in the capitalist community and headed Al Hilal Club, they were attracted attention.
Their creativity was distinct and attractive. History marked for them journeys and journeys in the field of creativity, as well as their journeys in entrepreneurship and finance. Despite all that, there are many who doubt these talents that were It suddenly came out to the public without any introductions.
Some of them say that it is creativity paid for, considering that they have the money with which they can buy anything, as the two men have connections in the artistic community that have reinforced those doubts, and there are those who are not convinced until this moment that what comes out of the creativity of the two men is not Theirs.

Poems and melodies
The two (the cardinal and the cardinal) were under the spotlight and the subject of attention for years, and what increased this interest was the entry of the two men into the sports field. Dr. Ashraf Sayed Ahmed Al-Kardinal, to confirm that he is a poet and that his songs have reached people, published a huge collection of poetry under the title (The Crying Laugh) in the year 2000 .which contains a large collection of emotional and patriotic poems.
As for Al-Arbab Salah Idris, he continued to write literary articles and musical compositions, stressing that creativity is a talent. It cannot be bought with money.

Football and Singing
Regardless of the doubts that revolve around the creativity of Al Kardinal and Al Arbab and their right to ownership of the poems or melodies that they produced, they are the mark of stardom that has an impact and influence, and they were and still are the subject of the attention of people, and bodies of all names.
They presented songs and melodies that were the talk of the public, beautiful songs that were always sung by the singing public. (Excuse me, this tear will be my last tear), and (You are the important one and all the people accuse me.. You are the dear. Spread your sails within me. I am afraid to miss you. Don’t blame me.)
Beautiful poetry from Al Kardinal. I wish Al-Numair had go on the same path between football and singing.

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