
Experts’ Report: Hemedti’s Recycling Aborted

Behind the News

Muhammad Wadaa

– A complete condemnation in the experts’ report, and no reaction from the UAE, its partners, or their allies
-The UAE was able to buy heads of state and international organizations, but it failed to buy United Nations experts
– The experts’ report was disastrous for the UAE and its project in Sudan

The Sky News interview revealed that Hemedti (the Amended one) had been manipulated

The interview succeeded in presenting a disturbed, cold personality who feigns an emotion that matches the emotion of the interviewer

After the issuance of the report of the United Nations experts on the implementation of Resolution 1591 issued by the Security Council, whose implementation is monitored by about 18 experts , specialize in violations and war crimes, this group submitted a detailed report containing documented monitoring of all crimes and violations committed by the Rapid Support militia after April 15. It recorded documented involvement of the UAE, Chad and other countries in supplying the militia with lethal weapons that claimed the lives of about 15,000 Sudanese. It was clear that the UAE was racing against time to re-market Hemedti (the modified one), and it was no secret that the rehabilitation had completely failed in restoring Hemedti’s personality as the Sudanese people know him and it was strongly noted that his fighters and mercenaries did not celebrate his reappearance.
The UAE was able to buy heads of state and international organizations, but it failed to buy United Nations experts to dissuade them from issuing the report at this time. Information indicates that four senior experts disapproved and denounced attempts to influence them and thwart their mission in dealing with the facts they obtained, and the television picture in the Sky News interview came to dispel all hopes of the Emirates and Hemedti’s allies in presenting a personality worthy of listening to, and although the interview presenter made a professional effort in asking questions and answering them, Hemedti (the modified one) failed even to repeat what the presenter was inculcating him.
The interview revealed that Hemedti (the modified) had been manipulated and may have undergone training processes that were not perfect, or in a hurry, which confused the character that was intended to be shown. People were interested in searching for Hemedti’s person in the midst of well exerted effort to prove Hemedti was alive, without him being able to talk about what he was like. He did this during 9 months of absence, and it was clear that he had a weak memory when talking about events that occurred before April 15, claiming that they occurred after the war. The interview succeeded in presenting a disturbed, changeable, cold personality who feigned reactions to match the quesions of the interlocutor, and the questions were far apart. During the course of the intended goal of presenting a new image of Hemedti, it completely failed in that, and revealed a shaky personality that has no connection to the facts or events. Perhaps the blame does not fall with the interviewer, as he does not know that his interlocutor is an abnormal personality.
The experts’ report was disastrous for the UAE and its project in Sudan. Although several days have passed since the report was published, it seems strange that there has been no reaction from the UAE and its partners and allies. The contents of the report constitute a complete condemnation of the militia’s crimes. The report also explicitly stated that the UAE violated Resolution 1591. The Sudanese government’s reaction was limited, and the government may be waiting for the report to be formally presented before the Security Council. The government does not need the report as evidence to prove what it says. These facts are proven by facts and witnesses, and some of them are documented by the militia itself. The government has the right to expedite a session of the Council to deliberate on the matter. The report is a good opportunity to present the evidence it has, and it can also request a Security Council session to present its case independently of the report, and this is just a few of the many.
January 23, 2024

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