
Khartoum: New Committee for Popular Resistance, Formed


Khartoum – Sudan Events

The Governor of Khartoum, Ahmed Othman Hamza, has issued a decision forming a Higher Committee for Popular Mobilization and Resistance in Khartoum State.
According to the decision, the committee is responsible for mobilizing citizens of the state in all its sectors, organizing and arranging the popular resistance and its segments to defend the land and honor, informing public opinion of the various violations that occurred to the citizens of the state, and informing the citizens of the state of the extent of targeting the nation and the parties behind it.
The committee specializes in opening training camps in coordination with the competent authorities, arming citizens under the supervision of the armed forces, attracting material and in-kind support to finance all the activities and work that the committee will carry out, taking the necessary measures to care for the families of the martyrs, treating the injured, looking after the families of fighters and missing persons, and communicating with all federal agencies to support the war effort.
The committee is also responsible for supervising the formation of subcommittees for mobilization and mobilization at the level of localities, administrative units, and sectors.

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