
Expert: Increasing customs dollar, starves people

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Customs expert, former Sudanese Customs Director General, Salah Al-Sheikh, has warned of the repercussions of increasing the customs dollar from 650 pounds to 950 pounds, predicting a surge of waves of excessive prices.
He said told Sudan Events that the increase means more burden, cost, and starvation of the vulnerable segments, adding “The increase is very negative.”
He said it will have a serious impact on exports which will be noticed, as prices increase internally and obtaining export goods becomes more expensive.
He stressed it was understandable that the increase is spurred by the desire to increase revenues. However, he said that revenues will not increase and may lead to a significant decrease and the reluctance of suppliers to work as capital is eroded and consumption decreases and the number becomes goods that are perishable within a short period of time

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