
Minawi: An All-inclusive Dialogue, Including the Islamists

Khartoum – Sudan Events

Minni Arko Minawi, the Governor of Darfur region, has stressed that stands for an all-inclusive dialogue that leaves no body out, including the islamists in the country.
In response to a question from the program’s introduction, Minawi said, “If people are saying that Islamists are the ones who ignited the war in Sudan, then this means that these Islamists are still active in the country despite their departure from power in 2018, so why shouldn’t we hold dialogue with them?”
Minawi has in the Sudanese tv satellite interview drawn up a new map on which Sudan can be built after the war ends. The most important element within this map is to restore the outlook on “Sudaneseism” and to make it the basis of the governance process. Then, spreading tolerance among the Sudanese themselves and rejecting condescension in terms of gender, race, and tribe.
Minawi, speaking on the Sudanese satellite channel via a special meeting program, considered that the post-war phase must include all Sudanese who should be engaged in “a dialogue that does not exclude anyone, even the Islamists” in the Sudan
Minawi has stressed that Sudan today does not have political parties that can provide the country with political solutions on how to get out of the bottleneck. He added that the remaining parties are only historical symbols; Stressing that the coming period requires restructuring these parties to be up par with the challenge of re-building the Sudan as a state.
The governor of Darfur region said that the Sudanese have aborted three revolutions in their recent history because of the failure to manage transitional periods, noting that the December revolution was aborted because those in power imposed their opinions on others, as if Sudan belonged to them alone.
In this context, Minawi stressed the need of holding a comprehensive dialogue for all Sudanese that does not exclude anyone, and for Islamists to be part of this dialogue. He said that the Islamists who committed crimes are prohibited by law from participating, but those who have not had any judicial rulings or convictions should be able to participate in Sudanese decision-making as Sudanese citizens.
Minawi revealed that he is left-leaning, but despite this, he does not see Islamists denied participating in the comprehensive dialogue on which Sudan can be built on new foundations.
Regarding the popular resistance that prevailed in the country recently, Minawi said, “I am in favor of the Sudanese people defending themselves in light of the current circumstances” and he added that this was his position longtime ago when the war broke out. He said at that time “when I said at the beginning of the war that the citizens must arm themselves, I came under heavy criticism”.

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