Rights Activists: “Janjaweed” invaded Gezira villages

Sudan Events-Follow-ups
A Sudanese human rights entity accused the Rapid Support Militia of practicing the worst types of humiliation and humiliation against the citizens of Gezira State, and said that the militia had invaded the villages of the state in continuation of the crimes it committed in Darfur and Khartoum.
The Sudanese Lawyers Democratic Front said in a statement Wednesday that the Janjaweed militia invaded the village of Al-Gezira, west of Fadasi Al-Halimab, and subjected its civilians to the ugliest humiliation following the killing of four of its members.
It quoted reliable sources as saying that the citizens had nothing to do with the killing of the militia members, “but the brutal hand of the Janjaweed continued to oppress everyone and avenge the killing of its members without mercy.”
It added that RSF beat defenseless citizens with whips and dragged large numbers of them with the utmost brutality, “leaving severe physical injuries and bitterness in the throat of every Sudanese as a result of this humiliation and contempt.”
The Front confirmed that the militia arrested big numbers of citizens, some of them minors, and their whereabouts have not yet been identified.
It pointed out that the militia besieged the western neighborhoods of the Al-Hasahissa area on Saturday, January 20, and stormed homes under a random barrage of bullets, where widespread theft and looting of citizens’ property, humiliating, insulting and degrading them took place in a heartbreaking way.
The Front said that what happened at the hands of the militia against the citizens of Gezira is not new to the Janjaweed, as these same crimes were committed in Darfur and in Khartoum, and now the regions of the Gezira are going through the same ordeal.
It stressed that it will continue to monitor and follow up on all these crimes punishable by law, and is certain that the time for impunity has passed.