Society & Culture

Actress: I will not Quit Acting for the Marriage


Agencies – Sudan Events

“It is impossible for me to quit acting and leave behind all the years that I worked hard to become an actress for the idea of ​​marriage.

I would rather divorce than leave my profession.” This is what actress Maram Ali revealed about her professional life and wellness and said.

“I worked a lot to reach the first level I was in at the beginning, and I am not prepared for my fatigue to go in vain.”

I have received many marriage offers for years now, some from wealthy Arabs and some from poor ones, and I refused them all.”

“All the marriage offers are a condition that I give up acting, and I won’t give up acting.”

“I want a man to support me, support my talent, and push me forward (Why should I give up the fatigue of the years that I suffered so much.., to get married and to have a child… I don’t want to.”)

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