White Nile: National Investors Head for Tendelti

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Executive Director of Tandelti Locality in White Nile State, Hisham Sheikh Hassan, has revealed that the locality received large numbers of national investors during the war period, noting that it had become a destination for businesses. He attributed that to the security it experienced, stability in various services, and peaceful coexistence among the components of the local community.
The Executive Director of Tandelti Locality said after the field tour of the Grand Market and the vegetable and fruit market, and livestock market in Tandelti that these markets are a destination for a number of citizens from North and South Kordufan and witness a great abundance of strategic commodities such as flour, sorghum and oils, and that the prices are stable and within reach, and that there is a natural flow for fuel in all local units.
A number of residents of Tandelti locality confirmed the stability of the security and economic conditions and said that the locality is witnessing an active commercial movement, a considerable flow of goods, and stable prices by virtue of the armed forces and good coordination between the security and executive apparatuses, stressing their stance with the armed forces and that Tandelti is the safety valve of the western gateway to the White Nile State.