Society & Culture

Is it Narcissism ? Rababa songs… Between Equestrianism and Fame

Sudan Events: Magda Hassan

Poet Haitham Abbas criticised the famous Rababa singer (Wad Douba) due to his release of a new song under the name (Sing Wad Douba).
Abbas considered the idea to be deeply narcissistic, particularly since the young Rababa singer has become very famous, and his last participation was in the Riyadh Festival last month.
* Narcissism
Haitham Abbas wrote on his Facebook page: When you are a singer and reach the point where you sing for yourself with your own name, I imagine that this issue requires more than self-confidence and blurred lenses that make you see nothing but the assumption that controls all your senses in isolation from seeing the perception of others around you and their evaluation of you and your creativity, and I believe.
It is a facet of superior narcissism. Followers are divided between those who support the idea and those who oppose it.
* His Fame
The singer Abu Al-Qasim (Wad Duba) is the most famous among the singers of Rababa, the musical genre that has recently spread in the capital, Khartoum, and the states, particularly Gezira and the River Nile .
Many names have appeared recently, such as (Wad Al-Ashbah), Mohamed Al-Tayeb Al-Kabashi, Bakhit Wad Al-Jabal, and Taj. Al-Din Al-Bambi, Hassan Rababa, and Bala. Indeed, the art of Rababa, in a short of time, caused the singer Yasmine of Kosti to become famous through her song “ A man of White T-shirt ,” which found widespread popularity in the recent period, as well as the singer Manal Al-Badri.
*Rababa instrument
The Rababah is a popular musical instrument. It is a long stick that is the neck of the Rababah, on which the single string is mounted, and underneath it is attached the Rababah hoop.
This instrument is limited to accompanying the human voice, whether singing, chanting, or singing.
Many believe that the “Rababah” appeared with the new style of singing, but there is information.
It affirms that it is an ancient musical instrument rooted in history.
It was associated with individual and group singing. It is also considered a favorite instrument among herders of livestock and cows.
It is also a companion of travelers and is used by boys due to the ease of its manufacture, which relies entirely on local materials available everywhere.
In an interview to Sudan Events, the composer and musician, Imad Ahmed, authorized the naming of Wad Doba for himself in a song, and he said: The singer did not sing for himself, but he told himself to sing for his beloved, as poets and singers usually do, but what is new is his mentioning of his name in an unusual way, and the praise poets preceded him in this by mentioning their names in their poems in praise. The Prophet, as we heard from Sheikh Al-Mahi, Bashri’a, Al-Borai, Sheikh Hayati, Wad Saad, and others.
As for the bag’s poetry, this was known as Ikhwaniyat, which is the poet mentioning the name of one of his friends, as Al-Jagrio did in the song Bint Al-Nil, saying (This is what makes Abdul Qadir Crazy)or mentioning the name of one of the musicians or the chorus.
* knighthood
It is worth noting that Rababa singing has remained dominant in concerts, particularly what is known as (Al-Asrawi), as it constitutes one of the traditional heritage arts that reflects the depth of Sudanese culture.
It is even adopted by the Ja’alin tribes, accompanied by Al-Batan, as a form of interest in folk art and traditional heritage. Singing to the accompaniment of the Rababa instrument remained attractive to the audience, particularly since they were highly sung songs that were steeped in chivalry, enthusiasm, and display of masculinity.

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